By Edward G. Browne. Topics include: Meanings of the term “Arabian Medicine” – Periods Arabian and Islamic history --- the Transmission of Greek learning --- Syria and Persian contributions --- The Latino Barbari--- Aptitude of Arabic for scientific purposes; Evolution of Scientific Terminology in Arabic--- Was dissection practiced by the Muslims? Four early Persian medical writers; Popular Medicine --- The Translators from Arabic into Latin –Practice of medicine in the time of the crusades—Anecdotes of notable cures in Arabic and Persian literature—Psychotherapeusis—Love and Melancholia--- Persian medical works --- Introduction of European Medicine into Muslim lands; and the Contribution of the Moors of Spain--- The School of Toledo—Persian medical literature from the twelfth to the fourth teen centuries ---Biographical works of the thirteenth century--- Muslim hospitals ---Letters of “Rashid the Physician “ --- Outlines of Muslim cosmogony, physical science and physiology. Paperback) 138 pages.