Pope John Paul II (Author), Joseph Durepos (Author). Quotes from Pope John Paul II inspire Christians throughout the world, and people of faith often turn to his wisdom in trying or difficult times. From Publishers Weekly) Pope John Paul II may be a statesman, leader, philosopher and theologian. But according to Durepos, he has "the heart of a pastor," and his "supreme desire is that we come to embrace a faith that transforms the way we live, the way we relate to other people, and the way we work." This small, accessible gift book offers a hundred brief quotations from the pope on pastoral topics ranging from fasting and prayer to catechesis and the gift of peace. Along the way, the pope also shares tender thoughts on charity, stay-at-home motherhood, forgiveness, worldly goods, justice and the writing of history. Loyola Press (1st ed. August 1, 2004), English, Hardcover: 112 pages