By Drs. Ekram & Mohamed Rida Beshir. "This work is a positive proof that even in this day and age, it is possible to raise Muslim teens who despite being today's concern are yet tomorrow's hope. This book is a must for parents and teenagers alike. This book makes for compelling reading because it is intelligible, practical and it is not esoteric or theoretical. The six practical signposts offered in the Beshir's Road Map clearly point out steps that all concerned parents can follow on the journey leading their teenagers to responsible adulthood." — Edris Khamissa, South Africa, 2002. Amana Publications (2007), English, Paperback, Pages: 258.
"This book is an excellent guide for helping parents raise their teens in today's society. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has young children or teens, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims." — Fariz Elchamah, Canada, 2002
About the author. Dr. Ekram and Mohamed Rida Beshir together co-authored the best seller, Meeting the Challenge of Parenting in the West — an Islamic Perspective, and other parenting books in Arabic. They are teaching two courses on the same subject at the Islamic American University. They both are members of the editorial board of The American Muslim magazine as well as regular contributors to its family section. They have also written articles for magazines, Islamic Horizons, and The Message. Both are also advisors for the Islam online website's family section. Dr. Ekram and Mohamed Rida Beshir are the recipients of the City of Ottawa Certificate of Appreciation for the year 2003 for their volunteer work in the area of Education.
Dr. Ekram is a medical doctor by profession, with a background in child psychology. She is the founder and principal of Abraar full time Islamic school and Rahma School, a weekend Arabic and Islamic school, in Ottawa, Canada. She is the recipient of the Director's Citation Award of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board for the year 2000 for her contribution as the best educator from among 7000 educators in the board. She has been very active with the Muslim community in Ottawa in the areas of study circles, children and youth camps, sisters programs, and marriage counseling. She has traveled extensively to various parts of the world to present parenting workshops. She has also authored other books for teaching Arabic to Muslim children living in non-Arabic speaking countries.
Professor Mohamed Rida Beshir is an engineer by profession, with over 25 years of experience in Da'wa work in North America. He has held various positions with MSA and ISNA on both national and local levels. He is a member of the training and development department of the Muslim American Society (MAS). He is a regular speaker at the ISNA, ICNA, MSA and MAS conventions. He is actively developing and delivering training programs to various Muslim communities all over the world. He is the recipient of The Ottawa Muslim Association and the Ottawa Muslim Community Circle recognition awards for 1993 and 1999 for his volunteer Islamic work.