By Fouad Elias Accad. ( From the Back Cover) BUILDING BRIDGES BETWEEN CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM. Muslims and Christians both worship one God. In fact, they have much in common. Although the history between Muslims and Christian has been strained at best, it doesn’t have to be that way. There are many areas of common ground between the two faiths, providing ample opportunity to build relationships. Fouad Accad grew up in Lebanon and spent most of his life there building bridges between individual followers of Christianity and followers of Islam. His passion was to bring two communities together-Muslim and Christian. What Accad built were bridges of understanding, communication, and love. Building Bridges provides personal experiences based on a lifetime of understanding the Arab world as well as research and analysis of the texts of the Qur’an and the Bible to show the similarities between the two. This book supplies readers with the information, concrete examples, and insights necessary when dialoguing with Muslims. If you want to reach out to Muslims around you, Building Bridges will equip you to build relationships of mutual respect and trust. NavPress (March 1, 1997), English, Paperback: 160 pages.